Happy New Year all and hope you all have a great year. Let me tell you about some wonderful gigs coming up.
Feb 1st The Bear Club, Luton my quartet with Denys Baptiste, Mikele Montolli and Tristan Mailliot.
Feb 20th Cambridge Jazz Club with the trio ( myself, Mikele and Tristan.)
First week of March Gaetano Partipilo, Fabio Accardi and Pierluigi Balducci are over from Italy for some concerts including 606 Club, Derby Jazz, and The Spin, Oxford ( see gigs page for details ) denys guesting on two gigs
April 11th to 14th gigs in Devon with Marcus Vergette, Louie North and Roberto Manzin.
May 6th Eastside Jazz in leytonstone with the quartet of Denys, Mikele, Tristan.
Plus trips to Milan and Portugal in May tba.
Hope to see you at one of these gigs..